IELTS Speaking Part 2 From January to April 2025
Describe A Foreign Country You Would Like To Visit In The Future
You should say:
- What it is
- What you have known about it
- Who you would like to go there with
- And explain why you would like to visit it
Part 3
- What do you think of national identity?
- What are the advantages of working in an international company?
- How does travelling aboard affect young people?
- How do people get information about other countries?
- Do you think reading is a good way to get to know other countries? Why?
- What do you think makes countries different?
Describe A Positive Change That You Have Made Recently In Your Daily Routine
You should say:
- What the change is
- How you have changed the routine
- Why you think it is a positive change
- And explain how you feel about the change
Part 3
- What do people normally plan in their daily lives?
- Is time management very important in our daily lives?
- What changes would people often make?
- Do you think it is good to change jobs frequently?
- Who do you think would make changes more often, young people or old people?
- Who should get more promotion opportunities in the workplace, young people or older people?
Describe A Rule That Is Important In Your School Or At Work
You should say:
- What the rule is about
- What happens when people break the rule
- Why you think it is an important rule
- And explain how you feel about the rule
- What rules should children follow at home in your country?
- On what occasions can children be forgiven if they don’t follow some rules?
- What rules should people follow when using public transport?
- What kinds of rules do people need to follow in public places?
- What are the reasons that cause people to break rules?
- When people break rules, how would they be punished in your country?
Describe An Area Of Science (Biology, Robotics, Etc.) That You Are Interested In And Would Like To Learn More About
You should say:
- Which area it is
- When and where you came to know this area
- How you got information about this area
- And explain why you are interested in this area
- Why do some children not like learning Science at school?
- Is it important to study Science at school?
- Which science subject is the most important for children to learn?
- Should people continue to study Science after graduating from school?
- How do you get to know about scientific news?
- Should scientists explain the research process to the public?
Describe A Time You Made A Promise To Someone
You should say:
- What the promise was
- To whom you made it
- Whether it was easy or difficult to keep
- And explain why you made it.
Part 3
- What kind of promises do people often make?
- Do parents in China make promise to their children?
- Do children keep their promises?
- Why do some people fail to keep their promises?
- Do you often keep your promises?
- Is it useful to write down promises?
Describe An Energetic Person That You Know
You should say:
- Who this person is
- How you know this person
- Why you think this person is energetic
- And explain how you feel about this person.
Part 3
- What kinds of jobs need a lot of physical work?
- What is the difference between the payment for physical work and that for mental work?
- Can physical workers receive higher salaries in the future?
- Do you think machines could replace human workers in the future?
- Do you think you are an energetic person?
- Do you think there was more physical labour in the past than there is now?
Describe A Line That You Remember From A Poem Or A Song
You should say:
- What is it
- Which song or poem it is from
- How you know it
- And explain how you feel about it
Part 3
- Are you good at memorizing things?
- Do you think children would like the rhythm of songs or poems? Why?
- Do you think it is easier for children to learn a song or poem than adults? Why?
- What can people learn from songs or poems?
Describe One Of Your Grandparent’s Job
You should say:
- What it was
- How long he or she had this job
- How he or she got the job
- What skills this job needs
- And whether you would like to have this job in the future
Describe an important decision that you made
You should say:
- What the decision was
- How you made your decision
- What the results of the decision were
- And explain why it was important
Part 3
- Do you think children sometimes have to make important decisions?
- What important decisions do teenagers need to make after graduation?
- Who can children turn to for help when making a decision?
- Do you think advertisements can influence our decisions when shopping?
- Do you think the influence of advertising is good?
- How do people usually make important decision?
Describe A Job That Is Useful To The Society
You should say:
- What job it is
- How you know about this job
- What types of people do this job
- And explain why you think this job is useful to the society
Part 3
- What kind of jobs are well-paid in your country?
- What kind of jobs receive a low income?
- What kind of jobs deserve a high salary?
- Do you think doctors should be well-paid?
- Who should receive a higher salary, young people or older people?
- Do you think schools should provide career advice to students?
Describe A Place You Have Been To And Would Like To Recommend Others To Live There
You should say:
- Where is it
- What the place is like
- When you visited there
- Who you went there with
- And explain why you would recommend this place to others
Part 3
- Why do people move from one place to another?
- What should people prepare before they move to a different city?
- What kinds of place do people in your country prefer to live in?
- What are the benefits of living close to one’s workplace?
- What factors make a city liveable?
- Why do many people choose to move to big cities?
Describe A Countryside That You Have Been To
You should say:
- Where it is
- When and why you went there
- Who you went there with
- And explain how you felt about it
Part 3
- Do people in your country like to go hiking?
- Do most people prefer to live in big cities or in the countryside?
- Do people go to the countryside to travel or to live?
- What kind of people would like to stay in the countryside?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in the countryside?
- What are the differences between the city and the countryside?
Describe an invention that is useful in your daily life
You should say:
- What the invention is
- What it can do
- How popular it is
- Whether it is difficult or easy to use
- And explain why it is useful
Part 3
- What qualities do inventors have?
- Do you think only scientists can invent new things?
- What inventions do you think should be improved?
- Are there any other inventions that make the world better?
- Do all inventions bring benefits to our world?
- Who should support and sponsor inventors, governments, or private companies?
Describe A Time When Someone Asked For Your Opinion
You should say:
- Who asked for your opinion
- Why he/she wanted to know your opinion
- What opinion you gave
- And explain how you felt when he/she asked for your opinion
Part 3
- Should teachers give advice to children?
- What should a company do when receiving feedback about its product?
- Why do some people dislike giving their opinions?
- Are there any apps designed for collecting opinions about products or services?
- Why do people like to express their opinions on the internet nowadays?
- What are the disadvantages if sharing opinions on the internet?
Describe A Difficult Decision That You Made And Had A Good Result
You should say:
- What the decision was
- When you made that decision
- Why it was difficult to make
- And explain how you felt about the good result.
Part 3
- Who do young people like to ask for advice when making decisions?
- Do advertisements influence consumers’ decisions?
- What kinds of decisions do young people have to make?
- Do you think young people are easily influenced by others when they make decisions? Why or why not?
- Do you think some people can make decisions without asking for advice from others?
- Do you think it’s necessary for kids to make as many decisions by themselves as they can?
Describe A Time You Used Your Cellphone/smartphone To Do Something Important
You should say:
- when it happened
- what happened
- how important your cellphone/smartphone was to you then
- and explain how you felt about the experience
Part 3
- What do you usually do with a cell phone?
- What are the differences between young and old people using a cell phone?
- Which is more important, using a cellphone to make phone calls or read messages?
- Do you think there should be a law to stop people from making phone calls in public?
- What can be done to stop cellphone addiction?
- Do you think it is too late to call others at 11 or 12 o’clock at night?
Describe A Way/change That Helps You Save A Lot Of Time
You should say:
- What it is
- How you implement it
- How dicult it is
- And explain how you feel about the way/change
Part 3
- Is it necessary for children to learn time management?
- What can schools do to help students learn time management?
- What can people do to save time?
- Does technology help people save time? How and why?
- Do you think parents should be responsible for teaching children to save time?
- Do people who can manage time well become successful more easily?
Describe A Friend You Like To Talk With
You should say:
- Who he/she is
- What you like to talk about
- Why do you like to talk with him/her
- And explain how you feel about him/her
Part 3
- What makes a good listener?
- What are the differences between talking to friend and talking to stranger?
- Where do young people like to meet?
- What do young people talk about when they meet up?
- Do you think people should be honest when talking with friends?
- On what occasions do people talking with stranger?
Describe a time when you were stuck in a traffic jam for a very long time
You should say:
- When it happened
- Where you were stuck
- What you did while waiting
- And explain how you felt in the traffic jam
Part 3
- Do you like to use public transport?
- Would you rather be in a car or a bus in a traffic jam?
- How can we solve the traffic jam problem?
- Do you think developing public transport can solve traffic jam problems?
- Do you think the highways will help reduce traffic jams?
- What are good ways to manage traffic?
Describe an occasion when someone gave you positive advice or suggestions about your work/study
You should say:
- Who the person is
- What he/she said
- How the advice/ suggestion affected you
- And explain how you felt about the advice/suggestions
Part 3
- When should parents encourage their children?
- Should parents always encourage their children?
- Do you think negative feedback is more important than positive feedback? Why?
- Why is negative feedback as important as positive feedback at work or in study?
- Which is more important for adults in the workplace, positive feedback or negative feedback?
- Do you think people care about others’ comments about them?
Describe A Popular/well Known Person In Your Country
You should say:
- Who this person is
- What he/she has done
- Why he/she is popular
- And explain how you feel about this person
Part 3
- What kinds of people are popular at work?
- Are bosses more popular than employees at work?
- Are there any disadvantages if a child is popular at school?
- Which one is more important, keeping a good relationship with colleagues or doing well at work?
- Do you think popular children will grow up to be popular adults?
- What benefits are there when a child is popular at school?
Describe a Time You Were Very Busy
You should say:
- When it happened
- Where you were
- What you did
- And explain why you were busy
Part 3
- Are you often busy?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages when people keep busy?
- Do you think children should learn through playing games or under pressure?
- What kind of pressure people may experience at work?
- How does technology help with time management?
- Does technology distract people?
Describe An Invention That Has Changed The World In A Positive Way
You should say:
- What it is
- What benefits it has brought
- How it influences people of different ages
- And explain how it changed people’s lives
Part 3
- What is the most helpful innovation at home?
- What household appliances make us lazy?
- What kinds of inventions can be used at school?
- Do you think AI will replace human teachers? Why?
Describe a traditional product in your country
You should say:
- What it is
- When you tried this product for the first time
- What it is made of
- And explain how you feel about it
Part 3
- Why are traditional products important?
- Do you think tradition is important for a country? Why?
- What are some traditional Vietnamese products?
- Why is it important for children to learn about traditional products?
- Do you think people should be proud of their own culture? Why?
- Where should children learn about culture, at school or at home?
Describe Something You Do That Can Help You Concentrate On Work Or Study
You should say:
- What it is
- How it helps you concentrate
- When you do it
- And explain how you feel about it
Part 3
- Why is it more difficult for children to concentrate nowadays than in the past?
- Do you think technology will harm children’s ability to concentrate?
- What kinds of jobs require high concentration at work?
- Can exercise help people improve concentration?
- Is it important for children to concentrate on their studies? Why?
- What can people do to improve their ability to concentrate?
Describe a contest or competition you would like to participate in
You should say:
- What the contest/ competition is about
- where the contest/ competition will take place
- When it will be held.
- And explain why you would like to participate.
Part 3
- What are the contests commonly seen on TV programs?
- Why are competition shows popular?
- What kinds of industries need competition? Why?
- Do you think it is necessary to encourage people to compete with one another in companies?
- What kinds of people like to take part in competitions?
- Do you think the ability to compete is natural or learned?
Describe a special day out that cost you little money
You should say:
- When the day was
- Where you went
- How much you spent
- And explain how you feel about the day
Part 3
- Do people like to spend their leisure time out in your country?
- How do people spend their leisure time in your country?
- How does technology affect the way people spend their leisure time?
- Do you think only old people have time for leisure?
- Why do people like to have days off?
- Going out to have holidays is tiring. Why do people still want to do it?
Describe an occasion that you lost something
You should say:
- What you lost
- When and where you lost it
- What you did to find it
- And explain how you felt about it
Part 3
- What kinds of things do people usually lose?
- What will people do when losing things?
- Is it effective to offer rewards to find lost things?
- What kinds of people may lose things often?
- What can we do to reduce the possibility of losing things?
- What do people often feel after losing things?
Describe something you do to keep fit and healthy
You should say:
- What it is
- When you do it
- Who you do it with
- Why it is important to keep fit and healthy
- And explain why it can help you keep fit and healthy
Part 3
- How do children and old people keep fit and healthy?
- What do people normally do to keep fit and healthy in your country?
- How can parents help and guide their kids to keep healthy?
- Do you think it is good for governments to utilize popular celebrities to help build health awareness?
- How can we use technology to keep fit?
- Should schools provide physical education to students? Why and how?
Describe a family member who you want to work with in the future
You should say:
- Who/ he/she is
- Whether you worked together before
- What kind of work you would like to do with him/ her
- And explain how you feel about this family member
Part 3
- Why do people want to change their jobs?
- What do people need to do to change their jobs?
- What kinds of family businesses are common in China?
- Is it good to work with family members? Why?
- Why do people want to have a family business?
- What benefits are there when working for big companies?
Describe something that surprised you and make you happy
You should say:
- What it is
- How you found out about it
- What you did
- And explain whether it made you happy
Part 3
- Do men and women have different attitudes and feelings about shopping?
- What do people usually spend money on?
- How do people express happiness in your culture?
- Do you think happiness has any effect on people? How?
- How can people be happy?
- Is it good for people to be unhappy? Why?
Describe a quiet place you like to go
You should say:
- Where it is
- How you knew it
- How often you go there
- What you do there
- And explain how you feel about the place
Part 3
- Is it easy to find quiet places in your country? Why?
- How do people spend their leisure time in your country?
- How does technology affect the way people spend their leisure time?
- Do you think only old people have time for leisure?
- Why do old people prefer to live in quiet places?
- Why are the more noises made at home now than in the past?
Describe an interesting neighbor
You should say:
- Who he/she is
- How you knew him/her
- What you do together
- And explain why he/she is interesting
Part 3
- Why do many people in big cities not know their neighbors?
- How do people build relationships with local people in a new place?
- Do you think people are familiar with their neighbors?
- How can people improve the relationship with neighbors in a community?
- How do children build relationships with others in a community?
- Is it beneficial to get along well with neighbors?
Describe An Important Event That You Celebrated
You should say:
- What the event was
- When it happened
- Who attended the event
- And explain how you felt about the event
Part 3
- Why is it important to celebrate festivals
- Do most people like to share their good news with others
- Do you like to celebrate important events? Why?
- What kinds of events do people usually celebrate?
- Do people often celebrate events with a large group of people or just a few people?
- Do people often celebrate festivals with families?
Describe an ambition that you haven’t achieved
You should say:
- What it is
- Why you haven’t achieved it
- What are you doing about it now
- And how you feel about it
Part 3
- Why do some people like to be the manager in the workplace?
- What are the traits of ambitious people?
- What ambitions do children usually have?
- Why are some people very ambitious in their work?
- Why don’t some people have dreams
- How do people balance work and life?
Describe a time when you organized a happy event successfully
You should say:
- What the event was
- How you prepared for it
- Who helped you to organize it
- And explain why you think it was a successful event
Part 3
- How would you feel when you were not well prepared for something?
- Do you prefer to prepare and organize an activity or just take part in an activity?
- How can parents help children to be organized?
- On what occasions do people need to be organized?
- Does everything need to be well prepared?
- Do people need others’ help when organizing things?
Describe a skill that you learned from older people
You should say:
- What the skill is
- Who you learned it from
- How you learned it
- And how you feel about it
Part 3
- What new skills can old people learn?
- Do you think many old people in your country feel lonely?
- What can children learn from their parents?
- What kind of help do you think older people need?
- What skills can young people learn from older people?
- What knowledge can children learn from their grandparents?
Describe a long walk you ever had
You should say:
- When this happened
- Where you walked
- Who you were with
- And explain how you felt about this long walk
Part 3
- What are the benefits of outdoor activities for children?
- Do you think that walking is not as helpful as playing other sports for our health?
- What outdoor activities do people like?
- What are the differences between the outdoor activities children did in the past and now?
- Is leisure time important to everyone? Why?
- Do women have more leisure time than men?
Describe Something That You Can’t Live Without
You should say:
- What it is
- What you do with it
- How it helps you in your life
- And explain why you can’t live without it
Part 3
- Why do all children like toys?
- Do you think it is good for a child to always take his or her favourite toy with them all the time?
- Why are children attracted to new things?
- Why do some grown-ups hate to throw out old things?
- Is the way people buy things affected? How?
- What do you think influences people to buy new things?
Describe a person you only met once and want to know more about
You should say:
- Who he/she is
- When you met him/her
- Why you want to know more about him/her
- And explain how you feel about him/her
Part 3
- What can we do to leave a good impression on people we meet for the first time?
- What should we not talk about when we meet a person for the first time?
- How do people make friends in China?
- On what occasions do people like to make friends?
- Is it important to have the same hobbies and interests when making friends?
- What qualities make true friends?
Describe a course that impressed you a lot
You should say:
- What the course was about
- Where you took the course
- What you did during the course
- And explain why it impressed you a lot
Part 3
- What do people need to remember in their daily lives?
- What can we learn from history?
- Why do some people have a better memory than others?
- Do people like things of memorial significance?
- Which can help people remember things better, words or photos?
- Can technology help people remember things better? How?
Describe Something That Was Broken In Your Home And Then Repaired
You should say:
- What it is
- How it was broken
- How you got it repaired
- And how you felt about it
Part 3
- Do you think luxury products are of better quality?
- What kinds of things are easily repaired?
- Are IT-related jobs valued more by society?
- Is the quality of products worse than before?
- What kinds of things do people like to repair by themselve?
- Why do people like to get their mobile phones repaired in specialized stores?
Describe someone you really like to spend time with
You should say:
- Who this person is
- How you knew him/ her
- What you usually do together
- And explain why you like to spend time with him/her
Part 3
- Do you think it’s important to spend some time alone?
- Do you think it is important for us to get along with different kinds of people?
- What kinds of people are easy to get along with?
- How do leaders get along with their subordinates?
- Do people have time for themselves nowadays?
- Do you like talking with older people? Why?
Describe a special cake you received from others
You should say:
- When it happened
- Where it happened
- Who you got the cake from
- And explain why it was a special cake
Part 3
- In your country, do people nowadays cook at home as frequently as people did in the past?
- What do you think of people using their mobile phones during a meal?
- What are the differences between special food in China and other countries?
- Is there any food in your country that is eaten at special times or on special occasion?
- What are some people willing to spend a lot of money on meals on special days?
- Do you think it’s good to communicate when eating with your family?
Describe an Interesting song
You should say:
- What the song is
- What story the song tells
- Whether the song is popular
- And explain why you think it Is interesting
Part 3
- Do you like to watch music TV programs? Why?
- Are foreign songs popular in your country?
- Why are many music competitions popular in China?
- What kinds of music do young people like?
- What kinds of people like traditional music?
- What are the differences between live concert and online concert?
Describe an interesting discussion you had with your friend
You should say:
- What the discussion was about
- What opinions you and your friend had
- Why you think the discussion was interesting
- And how you felt about it
Part 3
- Should parents consider their children’s opinions on every things? Why?
- Why do some young people refuse to communicate with others?
- When do children normally from their own views?
- Do children have strong opinions?
- Should parents require their kids to obey them?
- In what industries do you think communication is a necessary skill?
Describe a thing you did to learn another language
You should say:
- What language you learned
- What you did
- How it helped you learn the language
- And how you felt about it
Part 3
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of learning a language?
- Some people think that technology has made it unnecessary to learn languages? What do you think?
- What difficulties do people face when learning a languages?
- Do you think language learning ia important? Why?
- Which is better, to study a language alone or to study it in a group? Why?
- What’s the best way to learn a language?
Describe a person who you follow on social media
You should say:
- Who she/he is
- How you knew him/ her
- What he/she posts on social media
- And explain why you follow him/her on social media
Part 3
- Do you think people will read paper newspapers and books in the future? Why?
- Do you think it is easy to make friends on social media?
- What can people do on social media?
- Do older people and younger people use the same kinds of social media apps?
- Do older people spend much time on social media?
- Are non-social media like television and newspapers still useful?
Describe a rule that you don’t like
You should say:
- What it is
- Why you don’t like it
- How others feel about the rule
- And explain whether you’ve followed the rule
Part 3
- What are the rules students should follow at school?
- Are the rules at school good or bad? Why?
- What rules should children follow at home?
- How are people punished when parking at a wrong spot?
- When is it okay to break the rules?
- Do you know anyone who has broken the law? How?
Describe an item of clothing that someone gave you
You should say:
- What the clothing was
- Who gave it to you
- When you got it
- And explain why this person gave you the clothing
Part 3
- Have you ever given clothes to others?
- Why do people dress casually in everyday life but dress formally at work?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing uniforms at work and school?
- Why do people from different countries wear different clothing?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing a uniform at school?
- What influences the way people dress in today’s society?
Describe a city that you think is very interesting
You should say:
- Where it is
- What it is famous for
- How you knew this city
- And explain why you think it is very interesting
Part 3
- What advantages can tourism bring to a city?
- Why do some young people like to live in cities?
- Do most elderly people live in the city or in the countryside?
- Do you think well-developed tourism will have negative effects on local people?
- What are the benefits of urbanization?
- Do you think the big cities in China today will become even larger in the future?
Describe a time you visited a new place
You should say:
- Where the new place is
- When you went there
- Why you went there
- And explain how you feel about the place
Part 3
- Which do you prefer, living in a city or only visiting it as a tourist?
- How do young children react when they go to school for the first time?
- Why do some people want to go to college far away from home?
- Do you think it’s important to get as much information as possible before going to a new place?
- Why do many people enjoy visiting a new place?
- How do young and old people react differently to new things?
Describe a story someone told you and you remember
You should say:
- What the story was about
- Who told you this story
- Why you remember it
- And how you feel about it
Part 3
- Do young children like the same stories as older children?
- How has technology changed storytelling?
- How do people tell stories to children?
- Why do children like stories?
- Will smart devices affect the relationship between children and parents?
- Which do you think is better, paper books or e-books?
Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend
You should say:
- What gift you would like to buy
- Who you would like to give it to
- Why you would like to buy a gift for him/her
- An explain why you choose that gift
Part 3
- When do people normally send gifts to others?
- Is it hard to choose a gift?
- Will people feel happy when receiving an expensive gift?
- Which do people give on traditional festivals, red envelopes or other kinds of gifts?
- What do people usually consider when buying gifts?
- Are there any unlucky things that people should not buy as gifts in your country?
Describe a toy you liked in your childhood
You should say:
- What kind of toy it is
- When you received it
- How you played it
- And how you felt about it
Part 3
- What’s the difference between the toys boys play with and girls play with?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages or modern toys?
- How do advertisements influence children?
- Should advertising aimed at kids be prohibited?
- What’s the difference between the toys kids play now and those they played in the past?
- Do you think parents should buy more toys for their kids or spend more time with them?