Questions 11–20

Questions 11–13

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.


Questions 14 and 15

Choose TWO letters, A—E

Which TWO of the following make the company efficient?


Questions 16–20

Complete the sentences below.




Questions 11–13

11. Answer: C. touching counter surfaces

  • Key words: NOT, kitchen, clean
  • Here’s what the speaker says: “First, I want to emphasise the importance of kitchen hygiene. It’s crucial for our business reputation. On the wall here we have a dispenser of plastic shower caps. Forget about fashion statements; everyone who goes into the kitchen must wear one, to protect against stray hairs getting into the food. Please take one and put it on now. Alongside it is the sanitiser – again, you all need to use this and scrub your hands thoroughly before we go in. Also, please be aware that this is a working kitchen, so many of the counter surfaces inside could be hot. It’s best not to touch anything as you go through, just in case. It’s just basic safety and common sense”.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (C):
    • clean = hygiene
    • hair covers = shower caps
    • hand wash = sanitiser
  • Explanation: Kitchen hygiene means the same as “keeping the kitchen clean”. It is said that everyone who goes into the kitchen must wear a shower cap, which is used to prevent hairs from falling into the food, so this cap can also be called “a hair cover”. Another must is the sanitizer with which you need to wash your hands. In other words, hand wash is also a part of keeping the kitchen clean. Therefore, A and B are both options that relate to keeping the kitchen clean. 
  • However, the speaker clearly states that it’s best NOT to touch the counter surfaces (because they are hot).  So is the option that does NOT relate to keeping the kitchen clean.  Note that the question asks about the option that is not part of kitchen hygiene, so C is the answer.

12. Answer: A. theft of money

  • Key words: locked door, NOT, protect
  • Here’s what the speaker says: “You’ll notice the number pad on the door here. We have full security in the kitchen. Now that most people pay with a bankcard rather than cash, there’s no great concern about robbery; again, it’s our reputation that we are protecting here. We restrict access mainly because we need to be certain that our food cannot be contaminated, and that our workers can get on with the job without interference from unauthorised people”.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (A):
    • theft = robbery
    • damage = contaminate
    • unwanted visitors = unauthorized people
  • Explanation: According to the speaker, they restrict access (by using the locked door) NOT to prevent robbery (as “there’s no great concern about robbery”), so they do not worry about theft. A is therefore the answer (beware of the word “NOT” in the question). 
  • B and C are both wrong options because they really are two reasons why the kitchen door is locked: to prevent food from being contaminated (or damaged) and to prevent “unauthorised people” from getting in (these people can be considered “unwanted visitors”, since they are not supposed to go into the kitchen).
  • The answer is A.

13. Answer: C. to know how much has been used

  • Key words: mayonnaise, measured
  • Here’s what the speaker says: “For example, 20 mls of our famous home brand mayonnaise is dispensed in our most popular burger. So, at the end of the day, when I check how many burgers have been sold or binned, I know if the mayonnaise stocks are running low and I can order more.
  • Explanation: The fact that exactly 20 mls of mayonnaise is dispensed in a burger tells us that the mayonnaise is measured.
    • B is irrelevant because the speaker does not mention the taste of the burgers. 
    • A is incorrect because the purpose is not to count the number of burgers sold, it’s quite the opposite actually. The speaker counts the burgers that have been sold or binned to know how much mayonnaise has been used.  Thus the speaker can then know how much mayonnaise has been used and how much is left, so that – if necessary – he can order more: “if the mayonnaise stocks are running low” (meaning there is not much left). 
  • Therefore the correct answer is C.

Questions 14 and 15

14 and 15. Answer: B. knowing the busy times and days, D. hiring extra staff at key times

  • Key words:  efficient
  • Here’s what the speaker says: “We don’t like wastage, so we analyse our sales statistics to predict the demand for each day, and even the times of  day when there is most need. However, to make sure that we can meet the production targets, we can’t avoid some waste. At busy times sometimes there’ll be a stack of six burgers in the warming rack. We know these won’t stay at their best for long, so after ten minutes they must go into the bin. Another key area is efficient staffing. We have some full time staff, of course, but part-time staff will do maybe two hours at noon and another two at six and other casual staff are on call at peak times. This really helps us with efficiency of service and the economy of the operation. We train all our staff at all the different stations, but when we’re busy, each member of staff works at one particular station; grilling the buns, cooking the meat, adding salad, cheese and sauces, or packaging”.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answers (B&D):
    • key times = peak times
    • teach = train
  • Explanation: According to the speaker, the company predicts the demand for each day, so they know which day is busy and which day isn’t. Additionally, they even know the busy times of each day, and this helps them to avoid wastage, hence achieve efficiency. B is therefore one correct answer. 
  • In the recording, “production targets” are mentioned but the speaker doesn’t talk about how this helps with company efficiency, so A is not given. 
  • Next, it is true that the company has a rule of throwing away burgers after 10 minutes (“after ten minutes they must go into the bin”) but this is just to maintain the quality of the burgers, thus C  is incorrect. 
  • With regard to staffing, they train the staff “at all the different stations”, not at one particular station, so E is definitely incorrect, even though at busy times staff work at one particular station, doing a specific job. 
  • The thing that helps them with “efficiency of service” is having part-time and casual staff to help full time employees at peak times (two hours at noon and two at six can be considered peak times because they are around the time of lunch and dinner). Thus is another correct answer.
  • The answers are B, D.

Questions 16–20

16. Answer: food analysis

  • Key words: back, tray covers
  • Here’s what the speaker says: “I’m sure you’ve all seen our famous paper tray covers. They’re an important part of our marketing strategy. If you look on the reverse side, you’ll see a food analysis of all our products, the grams of fat, the carbohydrates and so on”.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (food analysis):
    • back = reverse
  • Explanation: Listen for the key words: paper tray covers. The speaker says that on the reverse (= the back) of these, there is a food analysis of all the products.
  • The answer is food analysis.

17. Answer: reliability

  • Key words: servings, stock, food values
  • Here’s what the speaker says: “Well, quantities are a key issue here. With the ice cream, for example, we train our staff to serve exactly 150 grams of ice cream into a cone, and 200 grams into the plastic cups. This allows us to oversee our stocks for reordering, and also gives reliability. The key aspect for us, though, is that we are being accurate about nutritional information”.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (reliability):
    • stock checking = oversee our stocks
    • most importantly = the key aspect
    • correct = accurate
    • food values = nutritional information
  • Explanation: The speaker explains why serving exact quantities is important. There are 3 reasons: stock checking, reliability (= customers get the exact quantity each time) and accurate food values. The missing reason, therefore, is reliability.
  • The answer is reliability.

18. Answer: 1/3 / one-third / a third

  • Key words: customers, cars, sales
  • Here’s what the speaker says: “The drive-through that they’re servicing is a very important part of our business; in fact, it generates one-thirdof our revenue”.
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (one-third):
    • sales = revenue
  • Explanation:  The important word in the recording to answer this question relates to the drive-through.  The two women wearing headphones are responsible for dealing with the customers in cars who use the drive-through.  It accounts for/generates one-third of total sales.
  • The answer is 1/3  /one-third/  a third

19. Answer: 2 screens

  • Key words:  paid, cooks, servers
  • Here’s what the speaker says: “As soon as the order is confirmed by cash or card payment, it appears on two screens; one above the cooking areas and one behind the servers”.
  • Explanation:  The speaker says that at the till, the customers order their food and pay by cash or card.  These, therefore are the “paid orders”.  The till operator then types in the client’s order by choosing the correct picture.  The confirmed order is then sent to (and appears on) two screens, for the cooks and servers to see.
  • The answer is two screens/ 2 screens.

20. Answer: hot food

  • Key words: finished, arrives
  • Here’s what the speaker says: “When the hot food is delivered, the order is complete…..”
  • Here are some key words that help you to get the correct answer (hot food):
    • finished = complete
  • Explanation:  The speaker explains that when the hot food arrives (= is delivered), the order is complete.
  • The answer is hot food.


You will hear an employee giving a tour of a fast food restaurant to a group of students. First you have some time to look at questions 11 to 15.

Listen carefully and answer questions 11 to 15.

Good afternoon, everyone. Can you all hear me? … Good. Let’s go through to the kitchen now so you can see the full operation of the restaurant.

First, I want to emphasise the importance of kitchen hygiene. It’s crucial for our business reputation. On the wall here we have a dispenser of plastic shower caps. Forget about fashion statements; everyone who goes into the kitchen must wear one, to protect against stray hairs getting into the food. Please take one and put it on now. Alongside it is the sanitiser – again, you all need to use this and scrub your hands thoroughly before we go in. Also, please be aware that this is a working kitchen, so many of the counter surfaces inside could be hot. It’s best not to touch anything as you go through, just in case. It’s just basic safety and common sense.

You’ll notice the number pad on the door here. We have full security in the kitchen. Now that most people pay with a bankcard rather than cash, there’s no great concern about robbery; again, it’s our reputation that we are protecting here. We restrict access mainly because we need to be certain that our food cannot be contaminated, and that our workers can get on with the job without interference from unauthorised people.

Right, come on in. First, here’s the storeroom. Our ordering systems are very efficient. The quantities in each burger must be exact, and this is ensured by the various food dispensers we use. For example, 20 mls of our famous home brand mayonnaise is dispensed in our most popular burger. So, at the end of the day, when I check how many burgers have been sold or binned, I know if the mayonnaise stocks are running low and I can order more.

OK, now on to the operational side of things. Consistency is the key here. Every burger in any of the brand’s restaurants should have the same quantities of the same ingredients, so that all our customers are sure of what they’re ordering. Our delivery standard is to keep the customer waiting no longer than two minutes for their burger – that’s truly fast food! We don’t like wastage, so we analyse our sales statistics to predict the demand for each day, and even the times of day when there is most need. However, to make sure that we can meet the production targets, we can’t avoid some waste. At busy times sometimes there’ll be a stack of six burgers in the warming rack. We know these won’t stay at their best for long, so after ten minutes they must go into the bin. Another key area is efficient staffing. We have some full time staff, of course, but part-time staff will do maybe two hours at noon and another two at six and other casual staff are on call at peak times. This really helps us with efficiency of service and the economy of the operation. We train all our staff at all the different stations, but when we’re busy, each member of staff works at one particular station; grilling the buns, cooking the meat, adding salad, cheese and sauces, or packaging.

Before you hear the rest of the talk, you have some time to look at questions 16 to 20.

Now listen and answer questions 16 to 20.

I’m sure you’ve all seen our famous paper tray covers. They’re an important part of our marketing strategy. If you look on the reverse side, you’ll see a food analysis of all our products, the grams of fat, the carbohydrates and so on. You may be asking yourself, how can we be sure these are accurate? Well, quantities are a key issue here. With the ice cream, for example, we train our staff to serve exactly 150 grams of ice cream into a cone, and 200 grams into the plastic cups. This allows us to oversee our stocks for reordering, and also gives reliability. The key aspect for us, though, is that we are being accurate about nutritional information. This is so important that head office sends us secret customers. They will take an order back to a table and weigh and measure the ingredients!

OK, now on to sales. On our left you can see the two women wearing headphones. They communicate with each other, with the public, and with the food preparation team. The drive-through that they’re servicing is a very important part of our business; in fact, it generates one third of our revenue. The other two thirds comes from restaurant visitors, and about 20 per cent of that comes from our themed children’s parties.

Now we’ll look at another aspect of our service – just cluster around this till. The till is the point of sale and, as you see, our products are pictured on the keyboard as well as named. The till operator just taps in the client’s order by choosing the correct picture. As soon as the order is confirmed by cash or card payment, it appears on two screens; one above the cooking areas and one behind the servers. This dual system means that the staff at the cooking stations get good notice of any build-up in demand, and the servers have an onscreen reminder of the earlier orders they’ve taken. They can also use this to prepare any drinks or ice-creams that customers have ordered. When the hot food is delivered, the order is complete, so they delete the entry on that screen. That keeps everything instantly up-to-date. Now…

IELTS Listening Part 2 British Council


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